Reproduction- The meaning of Re is again and production is to make so it is make again in other words it is the production of more of one’s own kind. For example A dog give birth to puppies and a cat to kittens.
The mango seed to the mango tree and so on. This is what reproduction is :-
1 It helps to continue life
2 it helps to multiply
There are two types of reproduction Asexual and Sexual
Asexual reproduction involves single individual a part of the body is able to give rise to a new individuals while in the case of sexual two individuals are required. Their cells combine with each other to start a new life so that’s why it is called sexual because it involves sex organs a specialized organs made up of specialized cells like ovarian sperms but in the case of asexual it is only the vegetative part which helps to give rise to new individuals. Asexual cannot be of only one type there are many many different ways in which a sexual reproduction can take place. Some of these methods are
The simplest method that is seen in unicellular organism is Fission
Fission is just splitting of cell into two cells