What is Control and Coordination?
The Function of the nervous system and hormones in our bodies are called control and coordination.
What is Neuron and what’s the work of it?
The electric signals that pass along dendrite to generate a nerve impulse or an action potential. There is a special type of nervous tissue which is made up of a network of nerve cells whish are also called Neuron. These receptors are usually located in our sense organs like inner ear, the nose, the tongue. It also carries information along the neuron and throughout the nervous systems
What is Reflex Action and what’s the advantage of it
Reflex action is an involuntary action. It is spontaneous and it is controlled by spinal cord. By the special types of nerves which are called sensory nerves. The sensory nerves will carry the impulses to the spinal cord, there the spinal cord itself will take the action. It will receive the message take a decision and pass on through another set of nerves the motor nerves to the muscles will make the hand move this is what reflex arch. The action has been taken the message is also sent to brain so that it can be used for future. It is protective in Nature as it is very fast.